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The richness of northern mythology embodied in music

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A musical post-ethno group that creates innovative original music using ancient instruments, song lyrics, and language. The arrangements highlight the beauty of northern sound while carefully preserving the characteristics of Siberian motifs

Each song at the concert is accompanied by a legend set to music. The group’s songs resonate at festivals and concerts from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad

Sing, Taiga!

The music of the group comes from the land of people for whom the taiga is a home. Even in the languages of indigenous peoples, the word “Chungtur” means both “taiga” and “home.” 

The lead singer performs in her native Evenki language, preserving her heritage in her songs. 

There are fewer than 80,000 Evenki people left in the world

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The song is named after the stormy mountain river Tunguska. It lies in a thoroughbred valley with solid volcanic rocks

It was in her pool that a mystical catastrophe occurred — the fall of a meteorite. Because of him, most of the forest was demolished by a shock wave, for more than five days there was a powerful magnetic storm that caused a glow in the sky

Aina uses the technique of northern throat singing, it is believed that this is the most ancient way of communication between people

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The wind sang me a lullaby, 

A snowdrop bloomed among the stones, 

And in the taiga, on a secret path, 

Moss spread beneath my feet

The forest danced Yoharyo* with me,  

Soft snow embraced me

At night, beasts howled in the thicket, 

I understood their longing…


Yoharyo* — a traditional dance

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The music of Aina is intimate and sincere to some extent. The debut album serves as a kind of “soundtrack” to Siberian nature and to a city dweller who wants to escape the noise of the city to embrace nature

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The entire album is characterized by an elusive mystical atmosphere. The shamanic aura captivates the audience and transports them into an indescribable trance. It is incredibly fascinating to hear the songs live!

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Makers of Siberia

They transform folk songs into light pop-funk, almost rock, and nearly techno—but each time they work with utmost care, keeping Ksenia’s crystalline voice in the foreground, never overwhelming it with modern arrangements or ethnic colors

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Native Sound

A stunning mix of northern folk songs, modern dance electronics, and the Evenki language

Major festivals and companies across Russia trust us

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Be closer


8 983 360 02 63

*Instagram, a product of Meta, which has been recognized as an extremist organization in Russia

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